09.11.14 EyeWriter & GRL Kyoto second.2
The Eyewriter from Evan Roth on Vimeo.
眼球の動きをトラッキングする事で入力を行うメガネ型の操作デバイスと、それを用いてグラフィティの作成が行えるカスタムソフトを組み合わせた「The EyeWriter project」の映像が公開されました。このプロジェクトはFree Art and TechnologyとOpenFrameworks、Graffitiリサーチ研究所、そしてThe Ebeling Groupが共同で進めている物“It’s been a long time. We shouldn’t have left you… without a dope beat to step to.”
G.R.L., Open Frameworks and graffiti legend Tempt1 have teamed-up to bring you the latest weapon of ocular assault: the EyeWriter. Source code, free software, HOW TO guide, videos and eye tags by Tempt1 available at eyewriter.org.
“Art is a tool of empowerment and social change, and I consider myself blessed to be able to create and and use my work to promote health reform, bring awareness about ALS and help others”
– Tony Quan, aka Tempt One
The EyeWriter core development team consists of Zach Lieberman, Chris Sugrue, Theo Watson, James Powderly, Evan Roth, Tony Quan & The Ebeling Group.
Made possible through support from the Not Impossible Foundation and Parsons Communication Design & Technology.
■09.11.14 12:00~@base
■16:00~@出町柳→京都駅 ASOBI start